Yen Minh Town

Ha Giang is one of the places most mentioned by many tourists. Because Ha Giang is a land of hidden wonders and incredibly overwhelming beauty. One of them that Phuot loves most is the Yen Minh pine forest.

Yen Minh is one of the pine forests famous for its peaceful beauty. And the most mysterious in the Ha Giang tourist map. The Ha giang loop 3days tour will take you to visit the forest. 
After arriving in this pine forest. You will discover a lot of wild and hazy beauty in Ha Giang.  There are rows of green and straight pine trees. Even though the rain and wind or storms come, those rows of pine trees are still very proud. It can be said that the image of those pine trees is like heroes ready to protect and protect the indigenous people here.
But sometimes, the pine forest becomes gentle in the gentle breeze and faintly sings melodiously every morning. At that time, the Yen Minh pine forest with sunlight filtering through each leaf made the mist gradually disappear. And you will admire the dreamy and extremely romantic beauty of this pine forest.
The Ha Giang loop 3days 2 nights

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